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About Us


Who We Are

Mariposa means Butterfly and that is our motto " colorful and free"

Mariposa caters to children with special challenges. Reaching out to children with single or multiple challenges and making an effort to help them live a respectable life.

We have a small centre wherein we work with our children on a one on one basis, with special educators comprising of PT,OT,SI & Speech.

Our main focus is on Daily living skills with additional care as the child needs.
Apart from this we are involving all the parents of our kids in the day to day activities and they take kids by rotation, so every kid learns with someone different and is ready for a comfortable atmosphere learning to settle down wherever they are.

It is mandatory for each parent to learn and grasp the methods here, so that they can maintain a continuity with their children wherever they are, as our children need repetitions of what they do.

There are several outings which bring them closer to nature, understanding their daily living needs and are also introduced to various facets of life. ( visiting places of social interest,etc )

In short , its a centre where care and love prevails above all.

Come to MARIPOSA, for just a visit or volunteer to spend some good quality time with these Angels.
Goals & Mission

Our Goals & Mission

Mariposa foundation centre for children with Multiple disabilities caters to children with various challenges on a one on one approach , be it sensory, speech physical or light and sound therapies The main purpose at Mariposa is to help special children get exposure and overall acceptance wherever they are. The stigma behind this mindset of not exposing the children due to societal burdens has to finish now MARIPOSA is an effort of bringing the parent-teacher bonding and nurturing children with compassion , understanding and most important, respect at all levels. The setup at the centre has a wide range of activity based rooms wherein each skilled teacher and a rotating parent sit hand in hand and impart the therapies. The simple science behind this is that every child is friendly with everyone at the centre and in absence of any parent or teacher, their therapies are not affected. Our goal at Mariposa is very simple “ To empower every special child with the knowledge of their basic habits everyday which include eating their finger foods, buttoning clothes and most important. the sense of touch “ yes or no” “ appropriate or inappropriate ” Autism spectrum also in itself is a huge chapter which needs to be explored day by day. Repetitive therapies, on a daily basis does not assure a change in these Autistically affected children, but with strong determined minds and a focussed approach will sure take us a step ahead. Making a child smile and helping them identifying the atmosphere that they are in is what Mariposa is making an effort towards. Each child is different and so are their needs. No tall claims or promises ever but assured attention in all regards. “Come home to Mariposa” and discover what nurturing is all about.